Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Letter to the Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade

Dear Minister,
I would like to bring your attention to the issuing of passports.

I have just renewed my passport. My old passport had 6 months left to run, but I wanted to get the task out of the way.

My new passport arrived this morning, but I see that the life of the passport is 10 years from now. The time remaining to my old passport was not added to the lifespan of this new passport.

Although it is only a small issue, nonetheless I'd like to see the rules changed in this regard. I have a passport from another jurisdiction, and when I renew there, they give me a new passport for 10 years, plus the remaining time on my old passport. This appears only fair as the period of passport coverage should not have to be paid for twice. That effectively penalises people for renewing their passport early/on time.

I see from the rules that a passport can only be issued for a maximum of 10 years, but I would urge that the rules be udpdated to allow for the preservation of time that customers paid for on their previous passport. It will mean less expense, more utility for the customer and less administration for the passport office.


  1. I received a polite reply stating that they can't do anything about this immediately, as they have pre-printed a number of passport books. However, when the passport is being updated in future, they may revisit the matter.

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